ChatGPT Can Now Read It’s Answers Aloud In Multiple Languages

OpenAI’s popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT, is getting a new accessibility and convenience feature: Read Aloud. This functionality allows users to listen to ChatGPT’s responses in their preferred voice, opening the door to a more interactive and user-friendly experience.

Available on both the ChatGPT mobile app and web platform, Read Aloud offers five distinct voice options, catering to individual preferences. But that’s not all – the feature boasts multilingual capabilities, supporting a whopping 37 languages! This ensures users can understand ChatGPT’s responses regardless of their native tongue. Impressively, Read Aloud automatically detects the language being used, eliminating the need for manual adjustments.

This exciting development showcases OpenAI’s progress in multimodal capabilities, which essentially means combining different forms of communication – in this case, text and speech. It’s worth noting that Read Aloud works seamlessly with both the latest GPT-4 and its predecessor, GPT-3.5, ensuring a wider user base can benefit from this advancement.

The arrival of Read Aloud comes on the heels of similar features introduced by competitor Anthropic in their AI models. However, there’s a key distinction between Read Aloud and the voice chat feature launched by ChatGPT in September 2023. While voice chat allowed users to directly ask questions verbally, Read Aloud focuses on delivering written responses in an audio format. Interestingly, there’s a hint of future developments, with the option to potentially set ChatGPT to respond verbally by default.

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On mobile devices, users can activate Read Aloud by simply tapping and holding the text prompt containing ChatGPT’s response. The web version offers a more straightforward approach, displaying a speaker icon directly below the text, ready to be clicked for audio playback.

OpenAI’s Read Aloud feature is a significant step forward in making AI interactions more accessible and user-friendly. The ability to listen to information combined with multilingual support opens doors for a wider audience to engage with it’s capabilities. This innovation paves the way for even more interactive and intuitive AI experiences in the future.